Monday, October 6, 2014

3rd and 4th Grade Book Buddies

Hello Spirit Bear and Polar Bear Families!

We are lucky enough to have two classes big enough to create memories with both the Grizzly Bear class and the Kodiak Bear class during book buddies! The Polar Bears are matched with the Kodiaks, our CDS Kindergarten class taught by Ms. Reeves and Ms. Breeden. The Spirit Bears are buddied up with the Grizzlies, our CDS Pre-K class taught by Ms. Abby, Ms. Margaret, and Ms. Meryl!

We began book buddies by getting to know one another with a "Book Buddy Survey," full of questions about our favorites. Together each class has been able to choose favorite books to read, encouraging both the younger and older friends to look at how special picture books are for all readers. We plan to continue reading together all year long, but also incorporate fun, theme based activities to enrich our experiences with one another! Our first special activity took place earlier in September . In order to celebrate the start of the fall season, each group made delicious caramel apples together! We look forward to a fall walk this month to collect leaves for another fun project!

Whit and Rachel paired up and enjoying their treat!

A crowd of happy campers!

Kristy and Kate

Luca and Ruby

Jake and Kenji enjoying their snack!

Wills spotted the camera in time for a smile!

Soren and Alyssa in the beautiful Kodiak Bear room!

Book buddies, caramel apples, AND it was Felix's birthday!

Getting a little reading in!


Stay Tuned for More!

September: What is Perspective?

Welcome to a new school year! It has been a busy, fast first month! The Spirit and Polar Bears jumped right into gear - they "hit the ground running" as we like to say! We are so proud of how each and every 3rd and 4th grader has taken charge in becoming acquainted with our schedule, getting to know one another as classmates, both new and old, and how they have embraced our school-wide theme of PERSPECTIVES!

We began our first few weeks by integrating creative discussions about perspectives into our daily schedule. How do we define it? How do our friends define it? What are OUR perspectives on our everyday life? The Spirit Bears and Polar Bears created "I Am" poems to share their perspectives, likes, dislikes, fears, and hopes with one another. Following that writing assignment, we were paired up in groups to create completely different characters, and then "take a walk in another's shoes" by creating an "I Am" poem for their character.

I Am Poems from the Polar Bear Class

Answering questions from their character's perspective!
Nathan and Keller answering questions from their character's perspective!

Polar Bear shoe drawings, inspired by "walking a mile in someone else's shoes

John carefully lining up his walls with each vanishing point

The Polar and Spirit Bear classes also explored another take on the word perspective, by learning (and quite mastering!) a 3-Point-Perspective drawing technique. We each chose a specific place, and determined whether it made more sense to draw it from a bird's eye view, or a worm's eye view. Some students chose to look up at a place they've never been, but would like to go. Others chose to look down on places they feel comfortable with, places they feel they have accomplished something. Ms. Theresa shared her art expertise and her own perspective throughout the art lessons each day. She guided students to feel confident in taking risks while trying new art techqniues. Take a peek in our stairway to the MAC to see examples of our work!!

As we've continued in over the last few weeks of September, the Polar and Spirit Bears settled even more into our daily schedule. From cozy reading, with Stop-Spot-and-Jotting, to cooperative math lessons, working hard in P.E., Spanish, and Music, to playing hard on the playground! We are off to a great start, and can't wait to share more with you as the year continues. Please take note of schedule updates below the photos!

In and Out Boxes... on the tables?!

All about a number with the Polar Bears!

Cozying up with a good book: a great way to start a morning!

Music with Mrs. Kelly

Our afternoon experiencing a taste of the Charlottesville Chamber Music Festival at the Paramount

P.E. with Miss Stacey - getting the opportunity to play games with the Middle School as well as combining both classes!

Thank you so much to those who were able to make it for Back to School Night. Please look for continuing updates as we move into our busy fall months!
Keep in mind, our Grandparents Day open house for grandparents and special friends is on October 24th, with registration beginning at 8:30am. We will need donations of food for the open house, and will be arranging a sign up for that opportunity in the coming few days. Our Grandparents Day Whole School Circle will take place at the Jefferson at 11:00am that morning. Please come to the lovely evening event taking place in the MAC later that evening!
October 31st will play host to our annual Harvest Festival. November 3rd and 4th are Parent Teacher Conference dates. Be on the look out for a sign-up genius with times to sign up! We can't wait to meet with all of you!

Thank you Spirit Bears and Polar Bears!!